netdecking with the stars
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• Decks must contain following cards
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1355 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Temur Energy nevets90 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 16/01/18
Pummeler RaZMagic Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 14/01/18
Temur Energy hirune01 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 1 14/01/18
Temur Energy The-Flash Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 13/01/18
Temur Energy _Shatun_ Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 13/01/18
Temur Energy fate_kuro Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 13/01/18
Pummeler marcelo bacana Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 12/01/18
4c Energy jrhwhite Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 12/01/18
Temur Energy Gattaca Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 11/01/18
Temur Energy poles Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 11/01/18
Temur Energy AlfredoTorres Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 10/01/18
Temur Energy kelbyramone Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 10/01/18
Temur Energy MEHTOC Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 09/01/18
Temur Energy Ryuji Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 09/01/18
Temur Energy ke-ryu Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 1 09/01/18
Temur Energy Holy_85 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 1 08/01/18
Temur Energy Shark_Ippei Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 1 08/01/18
Temur Energy kaname Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 08/01/18
Temur Energy Venom1 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 08/01/18
Temur Energy William Ho Standard Grand Prix Santa Clara 2018 - Team Trios : Standard 1 07/01/18
Temur Energy Isaac Sears Standard Grand Prix Santa Clara 2018 - Team Trios : Standard 3-4 07/01/18
Temur Energy Matt Nass Standard Grand Prix Santa Clara 2018 - Team Trios : Standard 5-8 07/01/18
Temur Energy Michael Mei Standard Grand Prix Santa Clara 2018 - Team Trios : Standard 5-8 07/01/18
Temur Energy Matt Severa Standard Grand Prix Santa Clara 2018 - Team Trios : Standard 5-8 07/01/18
Temur Energy Joe Demestrio Standard Grand Prix Santa Clara 2018 - Team Trios : Standard 3-4 07/01/18
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